Welcome, Earthlings!

If you feel drawn to join my Creeksong conversations, please subscribe to Insights, my monthly newsletter.

In Insights, I’ll don various hats: academic, scholar, author, activist, community planner, environmental ethicist, Earth citizen … to explore some big-picture issues, including various climate change issues. I’ll honour the two tributaries that flowed into the river of my environmental activism, research, and writing: (1) the environmental philosophy and activism of deep ecology and (2) the Work That Connects (based on the work of Joanna Macy and others).

These two powerful lineages (and John Seed and Joanna Macy) created the matrix in which my environmental ethics, scholarship, and activism were born and flourished over nearly five decades.

I am eager to explore my philosophical roots and share contemporary aspects of this powerful work in my monthly newsletter, Insights. Of course, I’ll comment on contemporary climate change issues. I might share a poem or two. Maybe I’ll even share parts of my PhD dissertation on caring for Nature.

There are many things to discuss in the middle of a climate emergency.

So: please do sign up for Insights using the form below! Sickness got in the way of my initial good intentions. But now I aim to write to you with my insights near the end of each month.